Losing Weight

Do you want to make changes to your weight, whether it's losing weight or gaining it? This could be for various reasons: to feel better and fitter, for health reasons, or simply to be satisfied with what you see in the mirror. Most people aim for weight loss. Personally, I managed to lose 25 kg, not by following a diet, but through a lifestyle adjustment that I can effortlessly maintain for years without getting bored. I use the proven GLI method, which focuses on a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Perhaps you, like me, have tried various diets. Maybe you go to the gym reluctantly four times a week, but time and again you return to your old weight, or even worse, you exceed it. Essentially, all diets are based on the same principle: you eat fewer calories than you burn and thus lose weight. But as soon as you fall back into your old routines, you end up back where you thought: something needs to change... and so you fall into a vicious cycle with that annoying yo-yo effect. Sustainable weight loss only happens when you adjust your lifestyle. I can help you with this.

Together, we will look at what your current lifestyle looks like and find the first adjustments within your habits. I will help you become more aware of what you eat by teaching you how to read and interpret labels. We will replace products based on flour with whole grain alternatives. We will review and adjust your protein intake. Together, we will find ways to eat low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients, and much more!

You will notice that you lose weight, perhaps not as quickly as with a diet, but it will be much more interesting and, most importantly, you will have much less chance of relapse. We will make these changes not all at once, but step by step. This way, you can adjust to the new way of living and maintain it.

Do you want to take on the challenge?  Check out my success formulas!